Enter Recipient Shipping, phone and Email information
Security is our top priority!
This website utilizes some of the most advanced techniques to protect your information and personal data including technical, administrative and even physical safeguards againts unauthorized access, misuse and improper disclosure.
If you are not the recipient, Uncheck/click the "Billing Address same as shipping" option above and enter your billing information.
NB: *if you have an apartment number please type it beside your address in the address field*
Planners will be shipped to Jamaica, Canada and UK addresses ONLY. Shipping is billed separately, on shipping. 

US & JA: Free | Canada: $17 | UK: $27 
Step 2. Payment Information
Payment Block
Tax: $ 0.2 USD
Total Due Today:
$ 97.00 USD
Purchase allows for immediate start to the Goal Accelerator system regardless of planner shipping date. 

You will also receive USPS TRACKING INFO for your package from [email protected], which you may use to track your package.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any issues at [email protected]

You are Purchasing the BLACK Planner
"The tools in this planner will revolutionize your life, I say this with confidence because they have mine! Complete game-changer!" 
- Crystal, FL
Your Immediate Access Includes:
  • Complete Planner Tutorial Videos
  • Productivity Masterclass
  • Goal Setting & Planning Workshop
  • Live Quarterly Planning Session
  • Access to the Goal Accelerator Planner Community
Need Help?
Monday - Friday
Customer Support
[email protected]

O Refunds offered after Planner has shipped.
Kindly note there is a 15% administrative fee for processing refunds on orders that have not yet been shipped.
We will not share or trade online information that you provide us (including e-mail addresses).
All personal information you submit is encrypted and secure.

Upon purchasing, I understand and agree to all of these terms and conditions:

  • No Refunds once planner has been shipped
  • I understand there may be a delay in the delivery of my planner. It may take 7-14 days OR MORE to receive my order after shipment. 
  • I confirm that I have ordered the correct item and quantity.
  • I understand that I will not receive an email response to any question that is already addressed on the website. 
  • I understand that if I change my order during processing that it will cause a cancellation or delay in my shipping / receiving.
  • I understand that Goal Accelerator is not responsible for any missed or rescheduled deliveries from USPS, SSMCXpress or any other shipping services utilized by the buyer.
  • If the package is marked DELIVERED, but you did not receive your product, you MUST contact USPS and file a claim with them. Goal Accelerator is not responsible for missing packages.
  • I understand that the shipping process will begin within 2 business days AFTER the date that my order was placed, subject to the planner being in stock.